How I Write

Clean Desk

Okay maybe not entirely neat, but it is organized and laid out to to optimize my writing time.

Defined Working Times

Every day is scheduled and goals are set. I have very strict schedules and working times. As with and job you have to put in the time. There are deadlines to be met and obligations to collaborations.

No Distractions

With a little ADD running my life, oh look shiny things…… it is important to keep the distractions to a minimum when I am in the zone. I have dedicated times to write and not be disturbed.

My Tools

My Most Important Tools: my calendar, my notepad, and of course my computer with the ergonomic keyboard. But the most important of all is my sticky notes, I love sticky notes.


Writing Needs Some Reading

I try to read a little every day. It helps me to relax and see any new trends in writing. Not to mention I love a good story.

Pen and Paper

Always Useful

Having a pen and paper handy is a must. You just never know what little thing in life will spark a story. If you can’t get it jotted down it might just escape back into the world.

Creativity is putting your imagination to work, and it’s produced the most extraordinary results in human culture.

Ken Robinson

Main Working Principles

The Most Important Steps To Follow

Write A Lot

IF you don’t write you can’t succeed and learn.  I try to write at least five days a week. How else can I put out all these books in my head.

Read A Lot

Reading keeps the mind sharp and fluid. All my writer friends are avid readers as well. We love reading as much as we love writing.

Spread Your Ideas

Collaborations with other authors is a lot of fun and can lead into ideas that might never have seen the light of day otherwise. Besides it’s just fun to work with others on different ideas.